Beef wellington

Tender beef fillet is wrapped with mushroom duxelles, crepes, ham and puff pastry, then baked until golden brown.

Mushroom duxelles (1 wellington)

300g Mushrooms (chestnut)
2 Garlic (cloves)
2 Shallots (finely diced)
75ml Madeira wine
Salt + pepper

  1. Start by dicing your: mushrooms, shallots and garlic. Sweat down the shallots in a large pan, followed by mushrooms, turn up the heat slightly. You want to cook until all the liquid has gone.

  2. Now add some seasoning, and garlic and cook for another 2/3 minutes. Deglaze the pan with madeira, once the madeira has completely cooked away, leave to chill.

Pancakes (1 wellington)

1 Egg
125ml Milk (whole)
50g Flour (plain)
3g Parsley (chopped)
Salt + pepper

  1. Mix your egg and flour to a smooth paste, now add the milk, and whisk together. Add some chopped parsley and seasoning.

  2. Lightly oil a non-stick pan and cook the pancakes over a medium/high heat until cooked on both sides. Stack on a plate until ready to roll your welly.

Beef wellington (4 portions)

Duxelles (from above)
Pancakes (from above)
50g Parma ham
800g Fillet (centre cut)
20g Dijon mustard
2 Puff pastry (sheets)
1 Egg (egg wash)
Salt + pepper
Picked thyme

  1. Season your beef fillet and sear over a high heat until nicely coloured all over. Brush with Dijon, roll with cling film to achieve a nice cylinder and place in the freezer for the meat to firm up slightly.

  2. On a sheet of clingfilm lay a base layer of pancakes, top with ham followed by the mushroom duxelles.

  3. Roll the beef fillet with the base layer you have made. Like the first stage, roll and place in the freezer for 5/10 minutes to firm up again.

  4. Roll the beef in puff pastry and seal with egg wash. Once closed, brush with egg wash and place into the fridge for 10 minutes. Cut your lattice, place over the welly and egg wash another time. Put a thyme leaf in every available slot. Sprinkle with maldon salt.

  5. Bake at 210C for around 40 minutes. But check the welly after 30, you want a core temperature of 38C. Leave to rest for at least 30 minutes before carving into slices.


Boeuf bourguignon


Bûche de Noël