Bûche de Noël

A traditional French Christmas dessert, a Yule log. Made of a rolled chocolate sponge, filled, and coated in chocolate ganache to resemble a log.

Chocolate sponge (1 log)

300g Whole egg
182g Caster sugar
182g Plain flour
25g Cocoa powder
50g Butter (melted)

  1. Mix the sugar and whole egg to sabayon, then add in the mixed flour and cocoa. Finish by adding the melted butter. Spread onto a baking tray and cook at 180°c for 6 – 8 min.

Chocolate ganache (1 log)

300g Chocolate (Mayan red 70%)
350g Double cream

  1. Melt the chocolate over bain marie.

  2. Bring the cream to the boil and slowly emulsify the cream until you have a thick shiny mixture. You want to leave this to cool down and thicken before coating the cake with it.

Chocolate mousse (1 log)
135g chocolate (Nica brown 70%)

85g egg yolk
25g caster sugar

250g egg white
60g caster sugar

  1. Melt the chocolate over bain-marie

  2. Whisk the egg yolks with 25g of sugar until ribbon stage.

  3. Make a French meringue with the egg whites and 60g sugar, make sure it’s nice and stiff.

  4. Whisk the melted chocolate into the egg yolks, followed by 1/3 of the egg white.

  5. Gently fold in the remaining 2/3 of egg white. Place in the fridge to set.


Beef wellington


Brussel sprouts