Comte gougère

A savoury choux pastry bun made with Comté cheese, baked, and filled with a rich and creamy cheese filling.

Comte gougères (10 portions)

50g Butter
100ml Whole milk
100ml Water
3g Salt
125g Plain flour
60g Parmesan (grated)
85g Comte (grated)
4 Whole eggs

  1. Chop the butter up small and bring to the boil along with salt,water and milk. Once all the butter is melted and the mix has come to the boil, mix in the flour with a spatula. Cook the mix out on the stove for 2-3 minutes whilst stirring.

  2. Place mixture into the kitchen aid bowl with cheese. Mix on a medium to high speed, the hot mix will melt and combine with the cheese, as soon as the cheese is fully incorporated start adding the eggs gradually, when doing so is important not to add them too slow or too fast, so add some more eggs as soon as the previous ones are fully incorporated. Once all been added you should be left with a fairly thick but runny mix.

  3. Pipe mix on baking paper and fire one tray at a time at 160C, full fan for 12minutes without opening the oven door. When the timer runs out, turn the tray around and cook for a further 2-3minutes till golden brown.

Comte cheese filling (10 portions)

100g Comte (grated)
50g Double cream
4 Whole eggs

  1. Blend all ingredients and cook at 80C for 8 minutes, blend until smooth. Check seasoning. But feel free to fill the gougeres with whatever you fancy! They’re a great vessel for sauces.


Oeuf mimosa


Pâté en croûte