Green salad with mustard vinaigrette

This is my perfect, zingy, mustard vinaigrette and perfect green salad. I always have a jar in my fridge!

Vinaigrette (350g)

60g Dijon mustard
60ml Vinegar (white wine)
360ml Rapeseed oil
1/4 Lemon juice
½ Garlic clove (small)
Salt + pepper

  1. Slowly stream your oil into the Dijon, vinegar, lemon and garlic. Finish with a little seasoning. Or add everything to a jar and shake well to emulsify.

Green salad
Washed leaves
Vinaigrette from above
5g Diced shallot
2g Chopped chives

  1. Add a little dressing with the shallots and leaves and mix well. Plate up and finish with chopped chives.


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