Les Tourtons du Champsaur

Savoury French pastries, similar to a deep fried ravioli. Filled with a delicious blend of potatoes, cheese, and leeks, fried until crisp and golden.

Dough (8 portions)
300g Flour (Plain)
3 Eggs
50g Butter (Melted)
3 Tbsp Vegetable oil

- Mix all ingredients well and knead until the dough comes together. Cover with cling film and leave to rest.

Filling (8 portions)
3 Potatoes (Maris piper)
1 Leek
1 Shallot
1 Garlic clove
125g Butter
160g Tomme
Salt + pepper

  1. Bake the potatoes in the oven at 180C for around an hour or until they’re soft. Pass through a sieve once cooked.

  2. Dice leeks, shallot and garlic and sweat down in the butter until soft. Mix the vegetables and butter with the passed potatoes and check the seasoning.

  3. Roll the dough using a pasta machine. Place the potato mix on one sheet, with a cube of tomme in the middle. Cover with another sheet of the rolled dough and cut with a round cutter to make a ravioli shape.

  4. Fry the parcels at 175C for approx. 2-3minutes or until golden and crispy. Season whilst hot and enjoy!


Pommes sarladaises


Pommes soufflées