Oeufs cocotte

Baked eggs delicately cooked in a ramekin with cream, soft cheese, and caramelised white-wine onions.

Onion base (4 portions)

2 Onion (white)
2 Garlic cloves
50g Butter
100ml White wine
Salt + pepper

  1. Slice the white onions and finely dice the garlic. Sweat the onions in a little oil for 5 minutes, add the butter, garlic and some seasoning and cook for another 10 minutes without getting any colour.

  2. Add some white wine and cook until completely reduced, check seasoning.

Oeufs cocotte (1 portion)

1 Large spoon onion base
10g Butter
2 x Old Cotswold legbar eggs (Clarence Court)
25ml Double cream
30g Boursin cheese
Baguette croûtons

  1. Rub your dish with butter and place a small slice in the base, add your onion mix, followed by two eggs.

  2. Add your cheese in small chunks and pour over cream. Add boiling water to a pan half way up the egg dish, cover both dishes and bake in the oven at 160C for around 10 minutes.

  3. You want the eggs to set very slowly like a soft wobbly custard. Finish with salt+pepper and chopped chives.

  4. Fry baguette slices in oil and finish with a little butter and garlic. Dunk your croûtons into your cocotte and enjoy.


Oeuf bénédicte


Oeufs piperade