Pommes pont neuf

Essentially your thick-cut, triple cooked, chip. Crispy exterior, and fluffy interior, improved with the use of beef dripping for cooking.

Pommes pont neuf (4 portions)
6 Large potatoes (king Edward)
2kg Beef dripping

  1. Peel the potatoes and cut into large chips, wash in cold water.

  2. Place the potatoes in cold salted water and bring to the boil, gently simmer for around 10 minutes until the potatoes are almost breaking apart. Place on a rack and put into the fridge to dry.

  3. Heat the beef dripping to 130C and blanch your cooled chips for another 6mins approx. or until a fine skin has formed on the outside of the chip. Place on a rack and put into the fridge to dry.

  4. Heat the beef dripping to 175C cook your chips until nicely golden brown all over, drain excess beef dripping, season with salt whilst hot and tuck in.


Pommes Anna


Pomme purée