Chocolate fondant

A decadent chocolate dessert with a molten centre, perfect for indulging in rich, gooey, chocolatey goodness. Served with a dollop of creme fraiche.

Chocolate fondant (4 portions)

150g Chocolate (70%)
120g Butter
4 Whole eggs
120g Caster sugar

  1. Melt the chocolate and butter together over a bain marie, once melted remove from the heat.

  2. Next mix the eggs and sugar together with a whisk until very thick, add the butter and chocolate mix. Store the finished mix in piping bags and chill in the fridge.

  3. Once the mix is cool pipe into oiled moulds and cook at 160C for 10-12 minutes.

Vanilla crème fraiche

150g Crème fraiche
15g Icing sugar
½ Vanilla pod (you can use some extract)

  1. Mix all ingredients well and store in the fridge.


Shellfish cocktail


Tartiflette pizza